
Oleme talvepuhkusel ❄️

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Rules & Agreements

  • Before accessing the trails, each client signs a terms of use agreement with the Adventure Park and participates in a safety briefing.
  • Children under the age of 14 can only access the trails with the consent of an adult.
  • One adult can take liability for maximum of 4 children.
  • Children can visit the park on their own with a pre-filled and signed terms of use agreement.
  • Children with the height of 120-140cm can access levels 1-5.
  • Youth up to 18 years old and taller than 140cm can access levels 1-6.
  • Safety harness is given to a client for personal use only and must be returned immediately after the completion of trails.
  • Passing on safety harness to a third party is prohibited.
  • Price includes ticket for the whole day. Ticket turns non-valid once you have returned the harness.
  • Long hair should be tied up.
  • After change of clothes or visit to the toilet, safety harness must be checked by an instructor.
  • Personal belongings can be left in the pavilion of the Adventure Park.

Link to contractView contract